Automate your business

Unlock Your Potential with
Upshot Automation

Say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to efficiency

Let’s make the tough tasks easier


Wasted Time

Spending precious time on email followups and lead tracking? Upshot Automation optimizes these processes, freeing up your schedule.


Repetitive Tasks

Our smart, automated solutions take over repetitive business tasks, ensuring you can concentrate on the core aspects of your business.


Lost Leads

Upshot Automation provides tools that immediately capture and track every lead enhancing your lead management process and conversion rates.


What Can Upshot Automation Do For You?

Project Management

Custom workflows ensuring streamlined project execution and oversight.

Lead Generation

Scalable and cost-effective systems designed to facilitate the seamless expansion of your business.

Hiring Solutions

Automated recruitment processes for efficient candidate sourcing and assessment. 

AI Service Fulfillment

Automate pivotal stages of your service delivery process using AI technology to optimize operational efficiency and reduce expenses.

CRM Buildouts

Easy to use systems for enhanced growth tracking and cost-effective marketing solutions.

Streamlined Email

Optimized your email communication ensuring timely and relevant responses to clients and leads.

1 K

Installed Automations

8 + Hrs

Time Saved per week

$2 K

Average Cost Savings


Simple steps from consultation to implementation – we make it easy


DiscussAnalyze your current workflow, pinpoint areas for improvement, and discuss the right solutions for your business.


CustomizeConnect your apps with custom-built automations for maximum efficiency so you can get things done.


ImplementIntegrate automation into your workflow and refine our approach to ensure everything continues to operate smoothly.

Let’s talk about your project


How can Upshot Automation help me save time and boost productivity?

Can I customize the automation solutions to suit my specific business needs?

What kind of support can I expect from Upshot Automation after implementation?

Is this cost effective?

Do you guarantee your work?

How do I communicate with your team during the project?

Will your services integrate with my existing systems?

What platforms and software do you use?

How do I get started with Upshot Automation?

Let’s talk about your project

We make the hard stuff easy.